Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Day with Camden and Maris
Our day started with "pancake sundaes."  Camden named them. They are pancakes covered with bananas and strawberries, then chocolate and caramel topping, ending with whipped cream squirts that fill the entire bowl.  One pancake is a feast and a half.
  Next Camden had the idea to give everyone a Mohawk made of butterfly and flower clips.
 Maris didn't want her picture taken.  Camden was much more willing.
Even Lacey got the Mohawk beauty treatment.

We popped popcorn and headed to the park to see the ducks.  The ducks marched straight over to us for their share of popcorn.
 We saw a cute family of baby ducks.  Two of them escaped and were marching in the adult duck parade.  (They were keeping up, too.)  Camden said they got back into the water somehow.
 Lacey was in dog heaven, eating popcorn as quickly as it fell.
 It may look like Maris is getting a drink, but no.  This is part of Maris' quest to get every part of her face, hair and dress wet.  She was very successful.
Camden is on the bridge--his observation deck--making sure none of the ducks go over the waterfall that flows beneath the bridge.
 We played a rousing game of "Pooh Sticks."  Then we went home to watch the video so we could see how Winnie-the-Pooh originated the game.
We relaxed at home playing "Sorry!"  which Maris won spectacularly, doing a victory dance to celebrate.  Camden had every bad thing happen that can happen during "Sorry!" but he was a great sport and just kept playing.  That wasn't enough game time, so we tried Monopoly as well.  Maris soon tired of the game, but Camden hung in there until the bitter end when he lost to Grandpa.  You can see how excited Grandpa is to play the game.
It was a great day.

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