Friday, July 13, 2012

A Trip to the Zoo

We spent one last vacation in Minnesota before Nathan, Briana and Emmy Lou head to Virginia.  As always, we enjoyed visiting so much.
Emmy gave a thorough looking over when we got in the car.  We crossed our fingers that we would pass inspection.  I guess we did, because Emmy was pretty friendly from then on.
We went to the zoo on Tuesday morning. 
Briana and Grandpa were willing to pose for a picture, but Emmy was off and runnning.
Grandma and Emmy were off to see the animals.
It wasn't Emmy's best day at the zoo.  It was hot and humid, and she really wasn't that interested in the animals.  Even the porcupines were hot.  They all lined up on the ledge of their cage so they could bask in the water from the sprinkler below.  Happy July!
Emmy initiated the "War of the Shoes" with Briana fighting to keep them on and Emmy fighting to take them off.
Now you see them, now you don't.
The tippy toe walk of the barefoot toddler.
The shoes are on again for a moment.
Off again. 
Why would you want to look at the animals when you can walk the boardwalk. . .
read the signs. . .
walk the balance beam. . .
play in the wood chips . . .
pour dirt all over your legs. . .
and finally pause for a moment with Mom and Grandpa?
There are so many things to do at the zoo!

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